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Various Pics Page

Hmm....another new page?
I just wanted to make a page for various pics from whatever that is going on from time to time. Enjoy!

Joe Smith of the Minnesota Timberwolves
He was on vacation, and he was in the area to visit some friends, so...Cameron and I took pictures with him. He's a really nice guy and definitely paid.

Shawn and the Oven Grill
This is what happens when you heat a crank pulley in the oven on a plastic pizza pan. Don't ask.

Mike and a BUG
My buddy Mike loves VW Bugs! This is him posing with one at Xtreme Nats. I can't wait till Mike starts work on his project car.

Flooded Jeep!
I thought this was interesting, so I took a picture of it. The floor boards were full of water and dripping slowly from the bottom. What a show display or what?

One of the greatest bands of all time!
Wow, I was drunk when I took this picture from their DVD video. I really love Sublime.

Here's the crew, minus T, Justin and Pao!
This picture was taken at Abacus Racing on October 4th. Nice to know that when you're getting shit done with the car, your pals will be there.

Shawn asleep at Xtreme Nats
Shawn was resting as his baby was resting also from three straight hot runs in a row. He sure does get some good rest!